Tomás LoewyWhat is glocal governance about, the proposal launched from Bahía Blanca? Argentine.“In the medium and long term, there is a trend towards cosmopolitanism, but local advancements can already thrive and will be decisive,”…Feb 24Feb 24
Tomás Loewy“Glocal Ordering: A Necessary Landscape”. Tomás Loewy.Dunken Publishing, 2023. tomasdarre@gmail.comFeb 10Feb 10
Tomás LoewyQuestion agenda, why not? 9, 2022Feb 9, 2022
Tomás LoewySustainability will be systemic or it will not be 27, 2022Jan 27, 2022
Tomás LoewyArgentina: the development will be territorial or it will not besee pdf 29, 2021Nov 29, 2021
Tomás LoewyCall to forge visions of the future in Argentina T. Loewy, Bahía Blanca Argentine (2020)Tomás Loewy, Bahía Blanca. Argentina (2020)Oct 28, 2021Oct 28, 2021