Tomás Loewy
2 min readFeb 10, 2024

“Glocal Ordering: A Necessary Landscape”. Tomás Loewy.

Dunken Publishing, 2023.

Progress will be glocal or it will not be

Introduction: writing a book is not like flipping a coin. It’s more akin to planting a seed in the ground, hoping it will germinate and grow. We’re not talking about economics; for that, you can just turn on the television. For issues neglected by mainstream media, a book is a valid resource. Faced with environmental crossroads and social polarization, it’s about installing new political agendas, social demands, and citizen agencies.

Current Context

Excesses: Symptoms — conjuncture — sectors

Deficiencies: Causes — long term — systems

One Idea Makes the Difference

Utopia is the beginning of all progress and the design of a better future. Anatole France

Glocal Ordering

Hybridization of territorial ordering, at a global scale, with dialectical and synergistic complementation between the local and the global.

“Glocal Aptitude”: attributes of sub-global and local systems that harmonize with global needs and vice versa. These relationships imply the validity of systemic and glocal sustainability.

Agenda for a Possible Future

Democracy (freedom, justice, and coexistence)

Sustainability (production and consumption profile)

Social Metabolism (society-nature integration)

World Population (stabilization)

Geodemography (population distribution)

Human Scale Development (small is beautiful)

Food and Environmental Security (access to)

Holistic and Glocal Management (new paradigm)

Cosmopolitanism (global governance)

Society — World (peace and future)

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The convening theme is an exploration to make a world-society viable, from a different perspective. It is an attempt to incorporate glocal ordering as an approach to systemic interaction between the local and global levels. This criterion is presented as a universal and transversal reasoning for development processes. The ethical and cultural aspects are accredited to structure this idea, within an environment of democratic coexistence. A broad spectrum of context, diagnosis, and ongoing alternatives is included. The agri-food complex, the scale of production and the systemic sustainability are central. The location and relative autonomy of production-consumption are inherent to the landscape. The radical transformations contain traits of relocation, deconcentration and decentralization of human, political and economic components. A real case is also described, to exemplify the multiscalar content of local ventures. The essay includes objectives of cooperation and freedom, with food and environmental security.

Tomás Loewy

Ing. Agr. (Ms. Cs.). Former researcher in soil fertility. I am pursuing a master’s degree in sociology.